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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of September 11 , 201

The all grade hay price from all markets de creased $ 1 5 .00 per ton this week compared to the previous report . The main reason for decrease is price for low quality hay. Small lots of prime and grade one small square hay attained very good prices this week. The data collected is from markets in Wisconsin and nearby Midwestern states.

For Nebraska , alfalfa hay sold unevenly steady . Demand is light for all packages and quality of hay . Most farmers are making 4 th cutting hay.

For Iowa , pr ime quality hay is almost non - existent at auction, as farmers fight weather related issues plus a current weak demand for hay.

In South Dakota , very light movement of hay and very little demand for all hay quality . Corn silage harvest is in full swing limiting time buyers have to purchase hay. There is tal k in some areas of a 5 th cutting this year.

For Missouri, a very good supply of hay for a very light demand with steady pricing. Many farmers have been pleasantly surprised with quality of their hay; however there is a great deal of low quality hay that will need to be marketed .

In Southwest Minnesota, a light hay volume compared to the last report with weak prices and no prime quality hay available at the auction .

For Illinois, the demand for hay was moderate with slow market activity. Horse and beef hay was of greatest interest at the markets with low interest in dairy quality hay. Many farmers are getting ready for corn and soybean harvest and trying to get hay deliveries done before harvest .

In Wisconsin , a larg e volume of lower quality hay produces weak prices. With corn silage harvest underway markets were slow . T he M idwest straw market overall was s teady to stronger this past week . Small square bale straw was steady ; with an average price of $ 2 . 90 a ba le (range of $ 1 . 5 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price about $2.00, with average price of $ 3 6 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 2 0 .00 to $ 4 5 .00); and large round bale straw prices were strong ; with a n average price of $ 46 .00 per bale ( range of $ 30 .00 - $ 7 5.00 pe r bale ) .

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