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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of September 25 , 2015

Demand and Sales Activity

The all grade hay price from all markets in creased $ 8 .00 per ton this week compared to the previous report . The main reason for in crease was demand for small lots of quality alfalfa hay that sold for a premium price plus slight increase in demand for hay . Many classes of hay had a limited number of sales for this report. The data collected is from markets in Wisconsin and nearby Midwestern states.

For Nebraska , hay sold steady , there was light demand with a heavy supply. Moderate demand was from backgrounding and feedlot operations with a limited demand from all other buyers. There is some alfalfa to be harvested yet this fall.

For Iowa , there has been improvement in the demand for hay and the weather. There is a limited supply of high quality hay at the market .

In South Dakota , very limited sales this week . Alfalfa sold at steady prices, with limited sales of grass hay and no straw sales . There is moderate demand for dairy quality alfalfa and very light demand for lower quality hay . Most hay buyers are only buying what is ne eded rather than lock in a price for their feeding season supply. Reduc ed futures price o f cattle may be one reason , along with low corn prices.

For Missouri, a very good supply of hay for a very light demand with steady pricing. After a season with excessive moisture it has been dry , which may reduce fall pasture growth and extend the hay feeding season. Some sprin g calves are already heading to market with reduced pasture availability.

In Southwest Minnesota, increased hay volume this week compared to the last report . Literally no prime quality hay at auction and prices were weak for the lower quality hay.

For Illinois, the Arthur sale barn reported stronger prices in a light test of the market this week with a v ery short supply .

In Wisconsin , a large volume of lower quality hay produces weak prices. Corn silage harvest is progressing with southern areas wrapping up . Soybean and high moisture corn harvest is beginning .

The M idwest straw market overall wa s mixed this past week . Small square bale straw was st rong ; with an average price of $ 3 . 2 0 a bale (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale straw price dropped about $ 4 .00 a bale , with average price of $ 3 2 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 15 .00 to $ 5 6 .00); and larg e round bale straw prices dropped $9.00 per bale with limited trading; with a n average price of $ 35 .00 per bale ( range of $ 19 .00 - $ 5 5.00 per bale ) .

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