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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper MidwestAsof May 23,2016

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall hay price was discounted $5.00 per ton compared to the previous report . There is a combination of old crop and the beginning of new hay crop sales , with c omments of adequate supply from many markets. Small lots of new crop quality hay pushed prime hay prices . There is a reduction in weekl y auctions as the summer schedule has begun.

For Nebraska , demand was light for all forage products . Some farme rs have cut hay last week, baled it, and sold it , o the rs have made baleage.

For Iowa , new crop hay demanded a higher price than old crop; the buyers believe new crop is higher quality . Current weather pattern has contributed to successful hay mak ing . Winterkill in some alfalfa fields has decreased first crop yield .

In South Dakota , hay sold with lower undertones with light demand for all types of hay , while prices have been steady. Weather is cooperating with farmers to make hay this week. Most farmers commented they are about a week ahead of schedule .

In Illinois , there are no m arket reports this week .

For Missouri, h ay demand is light, supply is moderate and prices are steady. Field work was slow with moisture and cool temperature s. Good news is only 15% of the state is on the drought monitor. Hay harvest is in line with the five year average.

In Southwest Minnesota, hay offered a t auction is well below last year ’ s numbers. More grass hay sold than alfalfa . The market ha s a l ight supply, light demand, with steady prices.

In Wiscons in , hay supply exceeds demand at most auctions . Prices remain steady . H ay harvest has begun in the state. Dairy farmers are cutting earlier than normal to capture better quality forage . May 1 st Wisconsin hay stocks are 810,000 tons. S traw prices were st eady . S mall square bale price averaged $ 3 . 3 5 a bale (range of $ 1 . 5 0 to $6.00) . L arge square bale price increased $ 3 .00 a bale this week , with an average price of $ 3 3 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 1 5 . 00 to $ 5 9 .00); and large round bale straw had only one reported sale of $17.00 per bale, which was $6.00 a bale lower than the last report.

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