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Health Canada Upholds Their Decision On The Safety Of Glyphosate

Health Canada's final re-evaluation of glyphosate deeming the product as safe for humans and the environment will stand.

This after eight objections to the departments re-evaluation which was completed in 2017.

In a statement from Health Canada, the department said there were also concerns raised publicly surround the validity of some of the science around glyphosate in what is being referred to as The Monsanto Papers.

Health Canada adds after a thorough scientific review, the department has concluded the concerns raised by the objectors could not be scientifically supported when considering the entire body of relevant data.

"Our scientists left no stone unturned in conducting this review," Dr. Connie Moase with Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency said in a teleconference Friday. "They had access to all relevant data and information from federal and provincial governments, international regulatory agencies, published scientific reports and multiple pesticide manufacturers. This includes the reviews in the Monsanto Papers."

The Government says no pesticide regulatory authority in the world currently considers glyphosate to be a cancer risk to humans at the levels at which humans are currently exposed.

Source : Discoverairdrie

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