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Heinrich Farm Measure Approved in Committee

By Rob Hochschild

An agriculture bill brought forward by U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich has received unanimous approval in committee. If it gets to the finish line, it will provide more than 15 million dollars for 18 New Mexico projects.

According to a statement released yesterday, the bill will support rural communities, provide funding for the Women, Infants, and Children, or WIC program, and invest in agricultural research.

Speaking before the Senate Appropriations committee yesterday, Senator Heinrich highlighted the benefits of the proposed measure.

“The bill before us supports American farmers and ranchers, protects our food supply, increases market transparency, and promotes the health and well-being of the youngest and most vulnerable by reducing poverty and food insecurity.

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NEW Swather in the Canola!

Video: NEW Swather in the Canola!

Welcome to our farm! I’m the 3rd generation in our farm that started with my grandpa 70 years ago. Come check out some of the swathing on our farm and enjoy the drone montage that I have put together of this new machine in action! We recently upgraded from our JD 2360 swather to this 9250C Westward swather with a 972 30 ft Macdon header.