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Help identify key factors limiting CWRS yield potential

Take part in a prairie‐wide project to generate baseline producer data on current CWRS wheat management practices in irrigated and dryland production systems. This project aims to identify the key factors that prevent CWRS wheat producers from obtaining potential yields achievable on individual farms.

Simply provide us with yield and other agronomic data specific to your CWRS wheat production fields. Leave the in‐depth data analysis of on‐farm factors contributing to a Yield Gap in prairie CWRS wheat production to us. Specifically, we need grain yield and agronomic data for at least two dryland or irrigated CWRS fields from both 2019 and 2020. 

If you farmed more than 50 acres of CWRS conventionally (not organic) that was for grain and not seed production you qualify to participate.

To participate, contact Jamie Puchinger  (office 403-317-0022).  All data submissions are strictly confidential.

Our project objective is to WORK FOR YOU. Our goal is to use YOUR data to help YOU realize higher wheat yields on YOUR farm fields. 

Once you know what production factors hold back YOUR current wheat yields, you can aim for your field’s highest yield potential.

This project is a collaboration with colleagues at the Global Yield Gap Atlas, Kansas State University, and provincial experts from Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Alberta Wheat and Barley Commission, Alberta Innovates BioSolutions, Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission, and Manitoba Wheat and Barley Growers Association fund this project.

Source : saskwheat

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