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Helpful Reminders About Applying Dicamba In Dicamba-Resistant Soybean

By Aaron Hager
Proper application stewardship of dicamba in dicamba-resistant soybean increases the likelihood of good weed control while concomitantly decreasing the potential for off-target herbicide movement.  The labels of two commercially available dicamba formulations approved for application in dicamba-resistant soybean (Engenia from BASF and XtendiMax from Monsanto) include many application guidelines and restrictions that all applicators must follow.  The Illinois Fertilizer and Chemical Association (IFCA) recently published a helpful checklist of “do’s and don’ts” for applying dicamba in dicamba-resistant soybean.  We strongly encourage all who are considering growing a dicamba-resistant soybean variety to carefully review the entire respective product label well before the beginning of the 2017 growing season to ensure they can meet all application guidelines and restrictions.  The IFCA checklist is an excellent resource for review and can easily be printed and posted in your office or mixing area and referenced throughout the growing season.

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