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Hettinger Research Extension Center Livestock Facility Ribbon Cutting and Annual Field Tour Set for July 9

By John Rickertsen

The North Dakota State University (NDSU) Hettinger Research Extension Center (HREC) will host a ribbon-cutting ceremony and tour of their new livestock facilities on July 9 at 3 p.m. Mountain time.

The annual field tour will follow the facility tours with a corn, soybean and pea herbicide trials tour at 4 p.m. and the main agronomy tour starting at 5 p.m. Field tours will start at the HREC Agronomy and Range Research Laboratory.

Participants will have the opportunity to see trials of several crops being grown at the HREC and talk with NDSU Extension specialists and research scientists.

This year’s topics and speakers are:

  • Spring wheat management study - Jose Montoro Bais, NDSU graduate student
  • Weed management update - Joe Ikley, NDSU Extension weed specialist
  • Weed-control research conducted at the HREC - Caleb Dalley, HREC weed scientist
  • Small grain disease outlook and wheat scab research - Andrew Friskop, NDSU Extension plant pathologist
  • Spring wheat varieties - Andrew Green, NDSU spring wheat breeder
  • Barley varieties – Richard Horsley, NDSU barley breeder
  • Durum varieties and other ongoing agronomy trials – John Rickertsen, HREC agronomist
  • Information on other variety trials and agronomy research projects at the HREC including winter wheat, pulse crops, canola and soybeans – Rickertsen

“Come and see the new livestock buildings, which are the single biggest investment in facilities in our 115-year history and then join the agronomy tour to learn about new varieties and agronomic practices, along with discussion on current crop production issues,” Rickertsen says.

There will be a supper following the tour sponsored by CHS-Southwest Grain, Helena Agri-Enterprises and LemmonMade Butcher Shop.

All activities are free of charge.

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