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Higher number of producers leaving cattle industry this fall

The fall cattle run is producing some high numbers of animals going through the sales ring and that includes Killarney Auction Mart.

This past week’s sale on Monday saw 1,405 head sold.

Owner Allan Munroe says he’s never seen a fall run like this one. “We’ve had one of our busiest fall runs ever. We started out in September with pretty good numbers and every sale has been sold out right from Thanksgiving on and it will continue that way right into December.”

Prices have been good, and Munroe says some changing dynamics are behind the higher-than-normal number of cattle being brought to auction.

We are selling more dispersal cows than ever before. We started earlier and our first full dispersal was last week, and we have sales every week. We have an annual sale December 3rd, but we have five other bred cow sales and those are all filled with either dispersal, major reductions or some bred heifers and there’s none of the sales with five or 10 cows from here and there. There are tremendous opportunities for anyone looking for cows to buy some quality stock that we haven’t seen come to town in the past number of years,” said Munroe.

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