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Honey bees are the MVP on May 29

To recognize and celebrate the important role honey bees play in the province’s agricultural industry and local food system, May 29 is being proclaimed Day of the Honey Bee. 

“Honey bees play a crucial, vital and unsung role in B.C.’s food security, environment, agricultural industry and our everyday lives,” said Pam Alexis, Minister of Agriculture and Food. “That’s why the Bee BC and Bee Tech Transfer programs are so important, as they help beekeepers of all ages ensure we have healthy bees and other pollinators now and in the future. Bees play an essential role in local food systems, and I’m delighted to highlight these busy little workers on Day of the Honey Bee.”

The Bee BC program, delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC, has supported approximately 100 community-led projects since 2018, helping with research, hive sustainability, and public awareness and education. Regional or community-based beekeeping associations, beekeepers with permitted hives and First Nations can apply for the next round of Bee BC funding. Applications are open and will be accepted until June 30, 2023.

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Video: Ag PhD Soybean Workshop

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