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Horticulture checklist for January

Robert Spencer, commercial horticulture specialist at the Alberta Ag-Info Centre, has published a 'to do' list for the month of January.
  • Register for relevant winter workshops.
  • Consider specific training courses for both yourself and staff, such as first aid, advertising, electronic bookkeeping, record keeping, etc., and book it!
  • Are all of your licences or certificates up-to-date?
  • Review your insurance coverage. Do you have sufficient coverage for your activities? Are all the items or activities that happen on your farm covered? Has anything changed?
  • Review your project to do/wish list from the end of last season. What are some of the things you identified?
  • Start thinking about and planning your field layouts for the coming season. Does your current set-up work for any new crops? Do you have sufficient space for everything you have planned, such as headlands, activities, parking, etc.? Consider field orientation, irrigation systems, shelterbelts and traffic movement – foot, equipment, vehicles, etc.
  • Have you ordered the plant material that you will need for the next season? Planning and ordering in advance can save many headaches in the spring.
  • Are you ordering transplants? Growing your own? Cleaning up the greenhouse might also be in order.
  • Update, tidy up and repaint sales sheds and signs.
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