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How Outside Policies Affect Agriculture

There’s a lot of outside forces that impact agriculture, especially when it comes to politics. From decisions on carbon policies and changes to transportation regulations, to the politicians chosen to helm political portfolios for immigration, they can all influence what happens in the agriculture world.

On the Aug. 2 episode of Seed Speaks, we’re taking a closer look at how policies that aren’t specifically ag focused can affect those working in the agriculture industry. We’re joined by Michelle Klieger, president of Stratagerm Consulting and Phyllis MacCallum, program manager for AgriLMI and AgriDiversity for the Canadian Agriculture Human Resources Council.

Klieger runs Stratagerm Consulting, a food and agricultural consulting firm. She’s an agricultural economist with over 15 years of experience in the food and agriculture sector. As an economist and a business consultant, Klieger works with the global seed industry, ag tech companies, conventional and non-conventional agriculture firms, and philanthropic foundations. Klieger has a masters in agriculture economics from Purdue University and a master of business administration from Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.

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