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How Pork Cultivates Culture to Reach a Bigger Audience

Culture is a major focus in the Pork Checkoff’s most recently introduced strategic campaigns to reach and encourage consumption among Hispanic and African American consumers. 

“If you look at the changing demographics in the U.S., one-third of the population is Hispanic, African American and Asian, and it tends to skew younger. As we look at the Millennials and Gen Z in particular, they're the most multicultural generations in U.S. history,” explains Bill Even, CEO of the National Pork Board.

The Pork Checkoff has developed an intentional plan to speak directly to this group and engage in conversation about the nutrition, health, compatibility, flavor and cultural ties pork offers. By and large, the targeted age group is between 18 to 45. This reaches the GenZennials born from 1992 to 2000, a mixture of Gen Z and Millennials, and the end of the Gen Xers. 

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