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How to Get Started in Small Scale Swine Raising

How to Get Started in Small Scale Swine Raising
There has been a continued interest in pastured and woodlot pig rearing in the last few years. This class will review best management practices for raising pigs, and discuss some of the ways that producers can integrate pigs into their current production system or design a new system that suits their specific needs and resources. Whether you're interested in beginning a 4-H project, putting the pig’s powerful noses to work improving your property, or raising your own pork products, this class will review the basics of getting started. 
CCE Livestock Educator, Jason Detzel, who has years of experience raising pigs on his own property, will cover the basics of caring for pigs including: 
• Learning your town rules and regulations for keeping pigs
• Pastured/ woodlot program design
• Housing, feeding, and watering needs
• Best practices for pig health and management
• Weather and predator concerns
• The use of alternative feeds
• Marketing your animals
• Fencing needs 
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Video: Inside a Regional Stockmanship and Stewardship Event

Cattle producers can improve their profit opportunities by getting BQA certified and by adopting low-stress cattle handling methods.