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How to Welcome Wean Pigs To Your Farm

Preparing for the arrival of new wean pigs to your barn is an exciting but important process that requires careful planning.

Following these steps and leveraging expert advice as needed, you can ensure a smooth transition and optimal conditions for your new wean pigs. This approach not only promotes their health and well-being, but also supports successful and efficient pig production on your farm.

1. Communicate.

Confirm Arrival Details. Coordinate with the sow farm to confirm the arrival date and the number of pigs expected.

Vaccination and Medication. Consult with your veterinarian to establish a vaccination and medication protocol. Ensure all necessary supplies are on hand.

Team Coordination. Communicate with your team to ensure everyone is aware of the arrival schedule and their responsibilities. Verify the barn is in good working condition.

2. Clean and Disinfect.

Barn Preparation. Clean and disinfect the barn thoroughly at least 48 hours before the pigs arrive. This helps create a clean and safe environment for the new arrivals.

Equipment Maintenance. Wash and disinfect all equipment that will come into contact with the pigs, such as coveralls, boots and syringes. Ensure they are ready for immediate use.

3. Inspect Barn and Equipment.

Environmental Control. Check and calibrate the barn’s environmental control system, including controllers, fans, inlets, heaters and temperature probes.

Facility Condition. Inspect curtains, generators, gating, flooring and feed/water equipment for any damage or malfunctions. Repair or replace as needed to ensure everything is operational.

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Video: Vaccinating Pregnant Sheep & Ensuring Lamb Parentage | Daily Sheep Farming Life

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