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Hundreds Of Producers Attend BQA Trainings

About 500 beef producers recently received their certification in Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) through in-person training sessions hosted by the Kansas Beef Council (KBC). Sessions were held over the last few months in Mankato, Fort Scott, Pratt, Herington, Hiawatha and Manhattan, on the Kansas State University campus. 

Producers and veterinarians attending these beef checkoff-funded sessions received BQA training relevant to the cow-calf, stocker and feedyard segments of the industry. Specific topics covered focused on animal husbandry best management practices, including downed animal care, humane euthanasia and low-stress cattle-handling techniques. Recent studies indicate consumers have more concerns about how animals are raised than the actual product itself. 

For producers not yet certified or those who need to become recertified this year, training is available online here. Online BQA certification modules are customized to meet the needs of each industry segment, including livestock haulers and transporters. 

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