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Improved Exports Critical to Maintaining Profitable Fourth Quarter Hog Prices

HAMS Marketing Services says improved export sales will be needed in all markets to realize better prices during the fourth quarter. Abundant hog supplies and an uncertain trade situation have resulted in continued volatility in the North American hog market.
Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with HAMS Marketing Services, says the general trend in the futures market has been to creep a little higher but we've seen great volatility with trading days ending with a limit move, either higher or lower, in some of the contract months being offered.
Clip-Tyler Fulton-HAMS Marketing Services:
We did see China put in a large order and that was about 10 thousand metric tons to the U.S. for pork to be delivered before the end of this year. Every week the USDA puts out a weekly exports report that reveals what orders have been placed. It was about two weeks ago that it was revealed that the Chinese had been pretty active.
So the market took a big jump higher when that news came out but we haven't seen that since.
On a broader scheme of things we've got generally still decent exports to Japan. I think we might be on an improving plain with respect to U.S. exports to Mexico but to be honest that market has struggled over the last few months or so.
Really, in order for us to take a step higher in order to realize better prices in this tougher fourth quarter period that we're going to be entering, we're going to need to see some improvement in export sales everywhere.
Source : Farmscape

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Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Video: Sheep Registration Paperwork & Manure Spreading on Ewetopia Farms | Suffolk & Poll Dorset

Welcome back to Ewetopia Farms! In today’s vlog, we dive into one of the most time-consuming tasks on the farm—sheep registration paperwork. As a sheep farm that raises registered Suffolk and Poll Dorset sheep, keeping up with the required documentation is essential to maintain our flock’s status, but it’s no easy task! Watch as I walk you through the entire process, from filling out forms to submitting records, all while Arnie is outside tackling another essential job—spreading manure on the crop fields before winter. Farming is all about balancing the fun tasks with the less glamorous ones, and today, we’re showing you what goes into maintaining a successful registered sheep operation. Join us at Ewetopia Farms for another behind-the-scenes look at sheep farming, from paperwork to manure spreading and everything in between!"