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Indiana Crop Adviser Conference Features Presentations On Nutrients, Soil, Water

By Chelsea Clodfelder

The annual Indiana Certified Crop Adviser conference will be on Dec. 15-16 in Indianapolis, featuring presentations across the educational areas of nutrients, soil and water, and pest and crop management.


Farm discussion







The conference at the Indianapolis Marriott East, 7202 E. 21st St., will include 32 speakers from Purdue University and other universities and colleges in 11 states, as well as from several agriculture companies.

While the conference is intended mainly for CCAs and crop consultants, the presentations also could benefit farmers, agribusiness professionals and graduate students. CCAs can earn up to 16 continuing education units.

Topics include nitrogen loss and replacement, building healthy soils for healthy crops, the effect of spray water quality on herbicide efficacy, an update on the potential for unmanned aerial vehicles in commercial agriculture, and developments in nutrient timing and placement for modern corn hybrids.

Each session held in the morning will be repeated in the afternoon to accommodate the different schedules of those attending. Special, extra half-day sessions on specialty crops and applications will be offered once. Breaks throughout the program will be provided for networking opportunities.

The complete program schedule is available on the Indiana CCA website at

Early registration is recommended. Registration prices will increase by $25 after Dec. 8, and registration will close Dec. 14. For CCAs, the price is $225 for both days or $125 for one day. For other attendees, the conference costs $325 for both days or $175 for one day. Those interested in attending can register at

Hotel rooms are available at a special conference rate of $97 per night for Dec. 14 and 15. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 800-228-9290 or 317-352-1231 and mentioning the Indiana Certified Crop Adviser group to receive the conference rate. Reservations also can be made online at



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