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InfoAg 2015 July 28-30 in St. Louis, Missouri


InfoAg 2015 will be held July 28-30 in St. Louis, Missouri at the Union Station Hotel. InfoAg continues to be the premier precision agriculture event for producers, consultants, and the crop production industry.


InfoAg 2014 was a record-setting success. Over 1400 participants shared in presentations on a wide range of topics on technology applications and data management and interpretation.  As with previous InfoAg Conferences, the networking among participants was again a highlight of the experience.  New relationships formed at InfoAg will lead to greater benefits and opportunities for those involved. Ideas exchanged in the hallways and the exhibit hall will form the basis for the new deliverables at the next conference. Those who took advantage of the Pre-Conference Tour on Monday picked up some additional first-hand knowledge and interactions.

Keynote Talks:

Opening Plenary Keynote - David Zach 

David Zach
David Zach is one of the few professionally trained futurists on this planet, having earned a masters degree in Studies of the Future from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. Of course, this was way back in the 1980s, so it's pretty much history by now. Since then, Dave has worked with over 1400 associations, corporations and colleges offering insights on the personal and professional impact of strategic trends. In other words, he gives funny and thought-provoking keynote speeches on the future of technology, economics, business, education, demographics and society.
He reads a lot – and he reads a lot more about the past than he does about the future. He knows that change is vital but it's also overrated and in this time of tumultuous change, it's far more important that we find the things that don't change and shouldn't change. Tradition and change are really choices, and we are only prepared to choose wisely when we look far and wide for causes, implications and lasting value.
Dave has only had two real jobs; one with Northwestern Mutual and the other with Johnson Controls in the roles of environmental scanning and strategic planning. Along the way, he taught Future Studies in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Since 1987, he mostly sits and read everything he can and then designs fascinating presentations that leave people either engaged in vivid conversations or quietly reflecting on what it all means. He gives talks about 50 times a year and really wishes he would write more. He is the author of two books, so far.
Dave is on the board of the American Institute of Architects and on the board of the American Chesterton Society. Past activities include: Wisconsin Small Business Development Center Advisory Council, AIA-WI Board, Future Milwaukee Advisory Board, Community Advisory Board for NPR station WUWM, board member of eInnovate, member of the downtown Rotary Club of Milwaukee, and chairman of the Goals for Greater Milwaukee 2000 Education Committee.

PrecisionAg Plenary Keynote - Kevin Folta 

Kevin FoltaKevin M. Folta is a Professor and the Chairman of the Horticultural Sciences Department at the University of Florida.  His research uses state-of-the-art genomics approaches to identify novel genes that control important traits in small fruits, and led the strawberry genome sequencing project- producing the 12th plant genome sequenced. His laboratory also examines how plants interact with the light environment, how specific wavelengths of light may be applied to control development of high-value crop traits. He has been recognized with several prestigious awards such as the NSF CAREER Award, the University of Florida Research Professorship, and the HHMI Distinguished Mentor Award. A key part of his program is communicating science to non-scientific audiences, and training scientists how to effectively communicate scientific or controversial topics. BS/MS Northern Illinois University 1989/1992, Ph.D. University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998. 

Closing Plenary - Will Marshall

Will Marshall
Will Marshall is the Co-Founder and CEO of Planet Labs. Prior to Planet Labs, Will was a Scientist at NASA/USRA where he developed a low-cost planetary bus, was Deputy System’s Engineer on lunar orbiter mission “LADEE”, a Science Team member for the lunar impactor mission “LCROSS”, served as Co-Principal Investigator on PhoneSat, and was the technical lead on research projects in space debris remediation. Will has published over 30 articles in scientific publications including Science magazine and he has written a variety of space related op-eds including in the New York Times and Boston Globe. Will received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Oxford and his Masters in Physics with Space Science and Technology from the University of Leicester. Will was a Postdoctoral Fellow at George Washington University and Harvard University.


Mark your calendar and make plans to attend.

For additional information visit the InfoAg Conference website.

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Video: Bayer's NEW FieldView Drive 2.0

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The company says the product can be summed up in three words: stability, compatibility, and prescriptions.

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