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Innovative agricultural insurance product to strengthen Manitoba forage and livestock sectors

Winnipeg, Manitoba – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - The Canada and Manitoba governments are investing $253,600 through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) to develop a new usage-based insurance (UBI) product, in collaboration with Dairy Farmers of Manitoba (DFM), to respond to needs expressed by forage crop growers and other stakeholders in a 2020 review of forage insurance programs, federal Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Terry Duguid and Manitoba Agriculture Minister Derek Johnson announced today.

The province will enter a two-year contribution agreement (2021-22 to 2022-23) with DFM to provide up to $253,600 in CAP-Ag Action Manitoba Strategic Initiatives (industry-led) federal flow-through funding. The project will be led by DFM in partnership with the Manitoba Beef Producers and four additional producer organizations.

The project will develop a usage-based, farm-specific index insurance product for Manitoba forage growers. It includes the integration of satellite remote sensing and other big data, combined with an interactive web-based application that farmers can use to individualize their insurance, receive real-time and dynamic pricing, monitor forage production throughout the season and fast-track claims settlements.

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Walnut Grove Tree Farm

Video: Walnut Grove Tree Farm

We are gearing up for the next holiday on the calendar. Christmas is right around the corner, and we're joined now by President of the Nebraska Christmas Tree Growers Association and owner of Walnut Grove Tree Farm, Dennis Adams. If you would like to learn more about walnut grove tree farms, you can learn more by visiting their website, walnut tree grove dot com.