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Investing in the Future Pays Off: Canadian Cattle Youth Council Celebrates 10th Anniversary

The youth council (formerly known as the Young Cattlemen’s Council) was established under the Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) in 2013 to give young beef producers an opportunity to learn how to lead the industry through a direct opportunity for involvement, while bringing the viewpoints of the next generation to the table.

Under the leadership of CCA President at the time, Brad Wildeman, a need was recognized to change the dynamics of the Canadian beef industry in a fundamental way by engaging the next generation. A group of young people in the industry came together to give direction to this vision for more youth involvement, not only in the industry, but around the decision-making table and policy development discussions. This built on the launch of the popular Canadian Cattle Young Leaders (CYL) mentorship program established by CCA in 2010.

The concept of the Young Cattlemen’s Council was successful in gaining the support of the CCA board and provincial associations, where the first council delegates were named at the CCA semi-annual meeting in London, ON in August 2013.

The youth council has continued its success thanks to the long-standing support of the provincial associations, CCA and the generosity of its Platinum Partner, New Holland. The sponsorship from New Holland since the early years, and provincial associations’ investments in the youth council on top of their CCA contributions, is an important example of the sector’s commitment to building a strong, sustainable future.

Open to young cattle producers across Canada ages 18-40, the council is comprised of seven provincial representatives and three-member at large positions. In the last 10 years, there have been over 50 young beef producers from across Canada hold a seat on the youth council.

The young beef producer delegates serve as non-voting members on CCA policy committees, participate in various advocacy activities, and strive to be conduit of information between producer organizations and youth of the beef industry.

Investing in the next generation to secure a brighter future is a shared goal across various political parties and organizations. Putting youth front and centre in the beef industry through the work of the youth council has opened doors to new conversations, new connections, and new opportunities.

A highlight for many delegates over the years is the annual youth fly-in meetings to Parliament Hill in conjunction with the CCA annual general meeting in Ottawa. This is a unique opportunity to engage with Members of Parliament, Senators, and parliamentary staff to provide a young producer perspective on challenges and opportunities of importance to the next generation.  

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