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Iowa Delegation Strengthens Trade Relationship with India

Recently, Stu Swanson, Iowa Corn Growers Association President and farmer from Wright County, participated in a trade mission along with Governor Kim Reynolds to India.

The delegation included Iowa Economic Development Authority and Iowa Finance Authority Director Debi Durham, Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig and representatives from other agriculture and business sectors in Iowa. The purpose of the mission was to work toward strengthening Iowa’s trade and investment relationships with one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. 

During the ten-day mission, the delegation met with a number of Indian government officials and business owners. Swanson, along with other members of the delegation, participated in an Iowa-India business summit, an agriculture roundtable and visited with our partners at the U.S. Grains Council India office.

Swanson along with Jessica Hyland, Executive Director of the Iowa Biotechnology Association, also were witnesses to the signing of a letter of intent by Kavi Chawla Senior Advisor to PowerPollen, an Iowa Corn Opportunities (ICO) investment. The letter of intent to provide their cutting-edge pollen technology to VNR Seeds, based in India.

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