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IPM 2019 named a “Top 100” event in Ontario

West Nipissing – Those who attended the 2019 International Plowing Match & Rural Expo this past September know what a fantastic event it was. Festivals and Events Ontario (FEO) agrees.
During an awards ceremony held this past Thursday, Feb. 27 in Richmond Hill, IPM 2019 was celebrated as a “Top 100” event in Ontario. This designation is awarded to events that “excel” at attracting tourists and are “some of the most well-known and respected celebrations in the province,” according to an FEO news release.
“Being recognized as a top festival and event in Ontario is testimony to the dedication and hard work of more than 1,300 community volunteers,” says IPM 2019 Chair Neil Fox. “We were all proud to showcase our Joie de Vivre and the fantastic cultures that we all share”
Held Sept. 17 to 21 in Verner, West Nipissing, IPM 2019 attracted 81,000 people, as well as about 450 vendors/exhibitors and roughly 160 competitors. It featured live entertainment on multiple stages, RAM Rodeo, the Canadian Cowgirls precision drill team, West Coast Lumberjacks, antique equipment demonstrations, activities for people of all ages, a special appearance by Amber Marshall (star of CBC’s Heartland) and much more.
“The IPM is a celebration of agriculture and the rural lifestyle with more than a century of history and tradition,” says Sheila Marshall, President of the Ontario Plowmen’s Association (OPA), parent host of the IPM. “It’s an event that moves to a different Ontario community each year and delivers a major economic boost, in addition to raising funds for community groups and organizations.”
Source : OPA

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