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Is Your Market Low-Income Friendly?

MFFM is offering a new workshop about increasing low-income access at your farmers’ market. Thanks to a grant from the Sunshine Hill Family Fund, the cost to register is just $10, which includes all materials and lunch. We’ll be offering the workshop in Bangor March 2nd and again in Brunswick March 4th. Learn more about WIC, gleaning, and EBT programs at farmers’ markets.

If your market is wondering whether to take on EBT in 2015, this program will help you think through the pros and cons. Find out about wireless equipment options to process SNAP payments (as well as credit/debit) There will also be representatives from the USDA on site to help with applications for FNS numbers (the first step necessary to start accepting EBT). If your market has a new EBT program that you hope will grow, or if you’re interested in increasing WIC usage or in starting a gleaning program, there will be information for you as well. Email for more information or to register via email, or Register Online.

Get your farm or farmers’ market authorized for SNAP (formerly food stamps) and receive you FNS Number the very same day! USDA staff will be on site to walk you through the process and assist with your application. If you intend to get an FNS number at the workshop, please bring copies of the following documents (required for the application):

  • Picture ID (driver’s license or passport)
  • Social Security Card (or other official document with your name and SSN)
  • Copy of voided check for bank account you will use to deposit funds.

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Crops that Don't Make Money (But I Still Grow Them) + Squash Bugs

Video: Crops that Don't Make Money (But I Still Grow Them) + Squash Bugs

Welcome to episode 45 of Growers Daily! We cover: Squash bugs, getting lists done, and the crops I like to grow that don't make dough.