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It’s Ontario Varroa Mite Awareness Week – Please Count Your Mites by Sunday!

The Ontario Animal Health Network (OAHN) is asking ALL beekeepers in Ontario to check varroa mite levels in their colonies this week AND report their results anonymously using this survey.

This is a very exciting project to be part of, as it will allow OAHN to map varroa mite loads across the province by county.

Survey results will be published by the end of September. Keep in mind that these data are secure, and OAHN will NOT publish any name, beeyard addresses, or any other identifying information. To maintain the privacy and security of beeyard locations, OAHN will be mapping and reporting data on a county basis only. 

Anyone who participates in the survey will be entered to win awesome beekeeping prizes from the Ontario Beekeepers' Association and our sponsors, Apihex and Propolis.

Jump right to the survey to report your varroa levels.

The OAHN Bee Expert Network is comprised of specialists, producers, researchers and veterinarians from private industry, University of Guelph, York University, Niagara College, Ontario Beekeepers’ Association, and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs.

More information about OAHN's Mite Awareness campaign can be found here.

Visit the Ontario Animal Health Network’s website for more information about the Bee Expert Network and its members.

Source : Ontario Beekeepers Association

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