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John Deere Capitalizes on Recent Tech Layoffs from Other Companies

People working in the tech industry are experiencing a stark increase in the number of layoffs at their companies. According to, a website tracking the tech industry layoffs, nearly 300,000 people have been laid off in the tech industry since the beginning of 2022. 

John Deere, on the other hand, has started to target some of these employees who might be looking for a new gig after their most recent layoff, according to an article from Denver 7 News. 

Last year, John Deere opened a brand new office in Downtown Chicago, not farm from their headquarters in Moline, Ill. The office is specifically designed to attract new tach employees who might be used to a traditional tech-like office environment. So far, John Deere has hired 98 employees from companies like Uber and Google and they plan to hire 300 more within the next two years. 

While many might not think of John Deere when they think of new and exciting technology companies, Deere has been taking tremendous steps forward in the innovative tech space. Less than a year ago, John Deere released a new fleet of autonomous tractors, which seems to be the direction that farm equipment in general is headed. 

The company also noted that one of its other goals in creating the new facility in Downtown Chicago was to attract a diverse group of potential employees. Diversity of people leads to diversity in thought, according to Crystal T. Jones, head of talent acquisition at John Deere

Source : Farm Equipment

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Salford Chassis Mounted John Deere AB200DS 80ft Air Boom

Video: Salford Chassis Mounted John Deere AB200DS 80ft Air Boom

The Salford 80ft Air Boom, specifically engineered for the latest gen of John Deere 600R high clearance chassis. Variable-rate 2 products at once with the multi-bin hopper, 50/50 or 60/40 split.

>> Apply up to 750 lbs/ac at 10 mph – 70+ acres per hour
>> Optional Drop tubes on 30-inch spacing
>> High speed = higher application rates
>> Tighter fold for the best visibility