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John Deere Dealerships Set To Sell 360 Yield Center Application Products

John Deere announced on June 7 that it has entered a multi-national allied distribution agreement with 360 Yield Center.
The company, founded by Gregg Sauder in 2013, creates products that are designed to improve the availability and efficiency of plant nutrients. The agreement will allow John Deere dealers to sell and support 360 Y-DROP® and 360 UNDERCOVER® application products.
360 Y-DROP allows producers to apply nutrients to their crops with precision placement.
360 Y-DROP allows producers to apply nutrients to their crops with precision placement.
John Deere announced a similar partnership with Hagie Manufacturing on March 29. As a part of the deal, the company gained majority ownership over the company, which continues to produce sprayers in Iowa.
"This innovative application technology from 360 Yield Center helps to improve timing and placement of nutrients with John Deere and Hagie application equipment, including self-propelled sprayers and toolbars,” said John May, president of agricultural solutions and chief information officer at John Deere. “John Deere dealers will be able to provide sales and service support for these application products to help producers apply in-season nitrogen and plant health products where and when it's needed."
360 Y-DROP is designed to provide producers with a wider window of application and more control while applying nutrients. Farmers can protect their crops with the 360 UNDERCOVER, which uses multidirectional spray nozzles under a canopy to accurately deliver fungicides and insecticides.
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