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Josh Brander Assumes Role of Director, Youth, on the Ontario 4-H Council

ROCKWOOD, ONT – 4-H Ontario is proud to announce Josh Brander as the new 2022 Director, Youth on the Ontario 4-H Council Board of Directors. The director-youth is responsible for bringing the views and issues of the 4-H youth to the Ontario 4-H Council discussions and assisting with the development of the 4-H Ontario program. 

Brander first joined the Wellington 4-H Association in 2013 and has since completed 71 club projects and participated in multiple 4-H provincial opportunities including Youth Adventure Camp, Go For The Gold, Career Mania, Leap Into Leadership and Future Leaders In Action.  

“My goal is to make 4-H as accessible as possible, not only to the demographic who are already involved, but for those who have never heard of [4-H] before because I want more people to consider participating. I am really excited for the upcoming year, and very thankful to be a part of it,” says Brander.  

As the new director-youth, he is looking forward to being the youth representative on the Ontario 4-H Council so that he can learn about 4-H from the administrative and organizational perspective. Brander is also excited to be involved in making decisions that will better 4-H and shape the future of the organization. 

Source : 4-H Ontario

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Video: Better Farming Ontario - Proudly Serving the World's Best Farmers for Over 25 Years

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