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June 2016 Hogs & Pigs Report Indicates S.D. Sow Numbers In Top 10 In The United States

By Bob Thaler, PAS
Professor & SDSU Extension Swine Specialist
Sow numbers in S.D. are at 190,000 sows, which puts S.D. in the top 10 in sow numbers in the United States. Also, S.D. ranks #11 in market hogs. As new sow units and finishing barns get approved and built, these numbers will increase in the future. Not only will these new barns provide needed jobs to rural communities and an avenue for young people to return to the family farm, they will also create an increased demand for locally raised corn and soybeans.
In Dr. Mike Brumm’s commentary of the June 2016 Hogs & Pigs Report, now featured at SDSU Extension’s iGrow Pork, he points out that sow numbers are decreasing in Iowa, and have been since 2009. Also included in his commentary are SEW pig purchase prices, live weight at slaughter, and other important statistics from the U.S. swine industry. View Dr. Brumm’s commentary to see more state and national data.
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