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Kansan Appointed To USDA Secretary’s Advisory Committee On Animal Health

Today Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Jackie McClaskey congratulated Mary Ann Kniebel, White City, for her reappointment by U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to serve on the Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health.
“Mary Ann brings a vast knowledge of the cattle business to the committee and contributes valuable insight and firsthand knowledge about raising healthy animals. Given the importance of this committee and the leading role Kansas plays in the nation’s animal agriculture industry, especially the beef cattle sector, it is important for Kansas to have a presence on this committee,” said McClaskey. “Mary Ann is recognized in Kansas as a leader in the beef cattle sector, and I am confident she will continue to use her knowledge and skills to represent our state’s agricultural interests, ensure federal discussions and policies are aimed to supporting livestock farmers and ranchers, as well as help advance animal agriculture throughout the country.”
The Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Animal Health will provide outside perspectives on USDA strategies, policies and programs to prevent, control and/or eradicate animal health diseases. The Committee will also lead broader dialog on public health concerns and the stability of livestock economies. Kniebel is one of 19 individuals from across the U.S. chosen to serve on this committee, which is comprised of livestock producers, animal health officials, animal welfare advocates, and more.
Animal agriculture, the largest segment of the state’s agricultural industry, is of vital importance in Kansas. Kansas is regularly among the top states in the nation in the beef cattle sector. Additionally, it is one of the fastest-growing dairy regions in the country and is committed to growing other sectors of animal agriculture in the future.  

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Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

Video: Season 5, Episode 9: Utilizing on Farm Data to Determine Herd Health Status

In this month’s PigX episode, we look into research to identify the health status of pigs - especially for PRRS – utilizing key performance indicators. Researchers have developed a formula to help detect diseases earlier, offering a tool that facilitates faster and potentially more cost-effective data analysis compared to investing in additional farm technologies.

Joining us from Iowa State University are Drs. Gustavo Silva, an assistant professor in Veterinary Diagnostic and Production Animal Medicine, and Mafalda Mil-Homens, a PhD student and veterinarian. They share insights from their global experiences and how these have influenced their work in the Midwest swine industry.