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KAP 2018 Spring Advisory Council Meeting Resolutions

Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) hosted its 2018 Spring Advisory Council Meeting April 6 in Portage la Prairie. Following is a list of resolutions that were passed at the meeting:
1. Plastic Roller BMP
Resolved that KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to include plastic grain bag rollers as an eligible environmental BMP at a cost share of 50 per cent up to $5,000.
2. Farm Product Recycling
Resolved that KAP work with CleanFARMS and other interested stakeholders to increase the number of collection sites in Manitoba and increase the list of products that are accepted for recycling at all sites.
3. Crop Insurance Coverage for Fruit
Resolved that KAP lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to work with Manitoba Agriculture and the Prairie Fruit Growers Association to establish an affordable insurance program that covers an appropriate range of natural perils to Strawberry and Saskatoon crops.
Further resolved that KAP lobby the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to work with Manitoba Agriculture and the Prairie Fruit Growers Association to collect sufficient data to develop insurance programs for other fruit crops in Manitoba.
4. Grain Transportation Infrastructure
Resolved that KAP lobby the Government of Canada, railway companies and grain companies to work together to identify and fix the existing bottlenecks in the grain transportation system.
Source : Steinbachonline

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