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KAP 2024 District Meetings underway across Manitoba

Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) is currently hosting its annual 2024 district meetings across Manitoba. They began in Arborg on Tuesday, November 12, and will wrap up in Swan River on Thursday, December 19.  

Jill Verwey, President of KAP says organizing and hosting the meetings is a requirement and part of their grassroots policy. 

“So in the fall, basically all of our districts or regions are required to have an annual general meeting where the producers have an opportunity to take part in discussions. They will also elect a number of delegates who will attend our AGM, and encourage all members to come to the AGM, which is in February of 2025.” 

Verwey says at the district meetings they will also receive updates on what KAP has been doing throughout the year and they’ll deal with relevant issues to producers in their district or region.  

“We recently held an event in Brandon where we specifically were talking about rural crime and protecting your farm and yourself, which is typical for this time of year, and because there has been increased occurrences of theft. So, we'll pick an issue of the day in order to bring out more members.” 

Verwey says other top-of-mind topics include rail and port disruptions because of labour strikes. She says they hope to get producers to talk about what’s going in Canada, in the agricultural landscape and sustainability.  

Verwey notes that at each of the district meetings there will be representatives from KAP, including executives and staff from the KAP office.  

“These individuals will be there to provide any updates from the office or answer questions. As well, we’ll have an additional board member that will be attending the meeting who is on our Governance Committee.” 

Verwey says they hope to have discussions on the governance and operations of the board and what their role should be. 

She says they are hoping many producers will come to a KAP district meeting in their region and engage with other producers.    

“But also find out what has been happening, what others’ concerns are, and make connections.”  

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