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KAP Passes Eight Resolutions At Summer Meeting

Below is a list of resolutions passed at Keystone Agricultural Producers' (KAP) Summer Advisory Council meeting held via Zoom on July 28, 2021:

1. New Canola Variety Registration Process – Manitoba Canola Growers Association

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Canada to ensure that the canola industry, including the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and canola growers, remains part of the registration process for new canola varieties.

2. Online Mandatory Entry Level Training – District 6

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba to provide an online training option, similar to the Saskatchewan model, for the classroom portion of Mandatory Entry Level Training.

3. Right to Repair – District 6

Resolved, THAT KAP, with assistance from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, lobby the Government of Manitoba and the Government of Canada to create legislation that will guarantee a farmer’s right to repair the electronic components in farm machinery.

4. Farmland School Tax Rebate Deadline – District 3

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby the Government of Manitoba and the Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to retroactively extend the March 31, 2021 Farmland School Tax Rebate deadline to September 1, 2021.

5. Rural Manitoba Hydro Infrastructure – District 3

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Hydro to increase the electric supply capacity to Manitoba farms.

6. Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Crop Dollar Values – District 3

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to adjust their crop dollar values to reflect current market prices.

7. Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation Customer Service – District 3

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development and Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to improve the customer service response times at their service centres.

8. Individual Productivity Indexing (IPI) and Alternative Crop Use – District 6

Resolved, THAT KAP lobby Manitoba Agricultural Services Corporation to exclude alternative crop use from a producer’s Individual Productivity Indexing (IPI) calculations for 2021.

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