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KAP President Wants Clarity On Manitoba Green Levy Deferral

The President of Keystone Agricultural Producers says he understands the province's move to defer a planned PST cut as well as its own carbon tax due to COVID-19.

Last week, Premier Brian Pallister explained the unexpected economic pressure brought on by the virus outbreak meant the provincial sales tax would not drop 1 point to 6 per cent on July 1 as originally planned, but would instead be delayed for one year. Additionally, Pallister said his government's $25 per tonne flat Green Levy would also be put on the back burner for the time-being.

"In light of circumstances that have prevailed here since Government had its budget plan announced, we understand what needs to be done in this province," said KAP President Bill Campbell. He noted however, that according to the Premier, the two initiatives are still a part of the province's plan for the future.

On that note, Campbell feels those in the ag industry would like some clarity as to which carbon tax, Manitoba's proposed flat levy or the rising federal tax, will be in effect by the time harvest hits especially since the federal rate will grow to $30 per tonne April 1st.


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