WINNIPEG – Keep it Clean is reminding growers to use acceptable pesticides only during the growing season ahead. To help inform growers of crop protection products that could create market risks if applied to certain crops, Keep it Clean has posted an updated list of products of concern for 2020. Canadian producers are advised to refer to the list at and talk to their grain buyer to ensure the products they are using are acceptable to both domestic and export customers.
- Growers should be aware of the market considerations for the following products of concern:
GLUFOSINATE: (Western Canada) Growers are advised to not use glufosinate (e.g. MPower Good Harvest) on lentils as a crop desiccant. Lentils treated with this product will not be accepted by grain buyers. There is an elevated risk of MRL related trade disruption due to missing or very low MRLs in most major markets.
- DIQUAT: Peas, lentils, chickpeas, dry beans and faba beans treated with diquat (e.g. Reglone) may not be accepted by some grain buyers. MRLs are established in most major markets but are set at low levels in the U.S.; growers are advised to consult their grain buyer before use.
- GLUFOSINATE: (Eastern Canada) Dry bean growers are advised to consult with their grain buyer before using glufosinate (e.g. Ignite) on dry beans in Eastern Canada. MRLs are missing or set at low levels in most major markets.
- GLYPHOSATE: Peas, lentils, chickpeas, dry beans and faba beans may not be accepted if treated with pre-harvest glyphosate (e.g. Roundup) due to scrutiny in the global marketplace and low MRLs for some pulse crops in certain export markets. Growers are advised to consult their grain buyer before use.
GLYPHOSATE: Malt barley will not be accepted by grain buyers if treated with pre-harvest glyphosate. Do not use glyphosate on malt barley.
SAFLUFENACIL: Malt barley will not be accepted by grain buyers if treated with saflufenacil (e.g. Kixor, Heat). Do not use saflufenacil on malt barley.
- CHLORMEQUAT: Before using chlormequat (e.g. Manipulator) on malt barley, growers are advised to check with their grain buyer to confirm contract obligations and acceptance.
o Only use pre-harvest glyphosate on barley and wheat once the least mature part of the field is at less than 30% grain moisture.
o Oats may not be accepted if treated with pre-harvest glyphosate; growers are advised to consult their grain buyer before use. Where permitted, ensure the least mature part of the field is at less than 30% grain moisture before applying pre-harvest glyphosate.
CANOLA - There are no market concerns with products registered for use on canola. 2020 Update: Canola can be treated with metconazole (e.g. Quash) and quinclorac (e.g. Clever, Facet and Masterline Quinclorac).
On-farm practices make a difference in protecting Canada’s reputation as a trusted supplier of highquality canola, cereals and pulses. Growers can do their part by applying only acceptable crop protection products – those that are registered for use on their crop in Canada and won’t create trade concerns – and by using them as directed on the product label.
For more information on the market impacts of crop protection choices and the steps growers can take to mitigate risk, visit
Keep it Clean is a joint initiative of the Canola Council of Canada, Pulse Canada, Cereals Canada, Barley Council of Canada and Prairie Oat Growers Association, providing growers and advisors with resources to grow crops that meet the requirements of our domestic and export customers.
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