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Keep It Clean Initiative looks at providing farmers with market ready resources

Farmers need to use caution when applying some items to their crops, with a new guide out to give them more information.

That's the Keep It Clean initiative, which is sponsored by organizations including the Canola Council of Canada, Cereals Canada, Pulse Canada, and the Prairie Oat Growers Association.

On their website, they have guides for glyphosate application, product advisories, and a spray-to-swath interval calculator.

Additionally, on their website, they list 5 tips.

  1. Only apply pesticides that are both registered for use on your crop in Canada, are acceptable to both domestic and export customers, and won’t create trade concerns.
  2. Always follow the label for application rate, timing, and pre-harvest interval (PHI). Applying pesticides or desiccants without following the label directions is illegal and may result in unacceptable residues.
  3. An integrated disease management plan is important to maintain yield and profitability and can help protect Canada’s reputation as a supplier of high-quality canola, cereals, and pulses.
  4. Proper storage helps to maintain crop quality and keeps the bulk free of harmful cross-contaminants.
  5. The Declaration of Eligibility affidavit should be followed carefully, as it's a legal document that states the crop is the variety and/or class that has been designated and it was not treated with the crop input products specified in the declaration.
Source : Pembinavalley online

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