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Keeping Mental Health A Priority In The Field This Spring

Planting this year's crop can be an exciting time of year, but it doesn't come without its challenges.

Farmers are subject to lots of uncertainty, whether it's watching the markets and trade tensions, the weather, or family trials.

Do More Agriculture Foundation co-founder and farmer, Lesley Kelly, says long hours on the tractor this spring can lead to mental exhaustion.

"Physical and mental health are very, very closely connected," she said. "So whether that's getting enough sleep, taking the time to even during seeding take a five minute stretch on the tractor, or going outside and doing a little bit of a run around the tractor, those things can help get the blood flowing."

She says, farmers should also be caring for their mental health by maintaining social relationships such as visiting with neighbours, friends and loved ones who are able to listen to you.

"If a farmer is going through a hard time, please raise your hand and ask for help. If you see someone struggling, please listen to them. If necessary, please seek the help of a professional."

For more mental health resources you can visit their website.

Source : Discoverairdrie

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