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Hay Market Demand And Price Report For The Upper Midwest As Of April 24 , 201 7

Demand and Sales Activity

Overall the hay marke t was $5.00/ton lower this week . There were limited sales of small square bales that were above average. Lower quality hay has been discounted at local markets. W et weather is delaying cattle going to pasture and there is little pasture available at this time , which may require farmers to purchas e supplemental feed short term .

For Nebraska , demand is light, hay prices are steady. Farmers have ha y available for sell that will be carried over for next year. Spring tillage and alfalfa planting has begun .

For Iowa , p rices we re steady while dairy quality hay is in short supply at the market . Warming temperatures have farmers looking to get cattle on g reen grass . Winterkill concerns are spotty and not as bad as first thought.

In South Dakota , buyer demand is light with weaker undertones on price . Quality of hay available is average. There is demand for quality hay at higher prices. Bedding materials are in light demand . Row crop guys will be planting as soon as weather allows them . Monday will be the last Monday sale of the season. In I llinois , no reports this week .

For Missouri, hay movement is ve ry light with piles of hay to be carried over . There are a few hay donations going to wildfire areas. Demand is light, prices are steady to weak. Many have hay fields fertilized , but wet weather is delaying field work and planting is slightly behind the fi ve year average at this time.

In Southwest Minnesota, adequate supplies of average quality hay with steady prices . There is a lack of quality hay at the auction. In Wisconsin , o verall prices were steady with reduced prices on lower quality hay .

Quality hay will bring a good price; overall it is a buyer’s market. E xport report April 14 , 2017, 2450 tons were exported this week, d epending on quality price ranged from $ 1 0 5 .00 - $ 14 0 .00 per ton from USDA. S traw prices we re steady this week . Small square bale straw price a verag ed $ 3 . 00 a bale this week (range of $ 1 . 0 0 to $ 6.00 ) . L arge square bale price was $ 2 3 . 0 0 per bale (range of $ 10 . 00 to $ 40 .00 ) . L arge round bale s decreased about $5.00 a bale and averaged $ 2 0 .00 per bale (range of $ 1 7 .00 to $ 29 .00) .

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