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Know the difference between free gas and frothy bloat

Bloat, the distension of the rumen, is probably seen less frequently in cattle production today with producers using total mixed rations, but cases can still occur and we must be ready.

Frothy bloat can quickly turn from serious to death and yet timely treatment is very effective with no lingering consequences. Two incidences of bloat (one frothy and one free gas) on expensive purebred animals at a cattle show prompted this article.

All cattle producers may have to deal with cattle bloat. The lush second-cut alfalfa hay is a risk but sometimes it may be the animal’s inability to belch away the gas that leads to bloat.

Cattle producers must always be prepared to treat it.

It is important to differentiate between free gas and frothy bloat. Once treated appropriately, one must determine if there are other cases that might also require treatment or if there are management or feed changes that must be made to avoid future problems.

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