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Knoxville Grassroots Grazing Program For Young And Beginning Graziers

beef catle grazingThe second session in a new three-part series for young and beginning graziers in southern Iowa is set for Aug. 6. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach beef program specialist Pat Wall said this event will feature a pasture walk and discussion format on a local farm.

“We’ll meet at 6 p.m. at the Jim and Justin Peterson farm at 575 Nevada St., near Knoxville,” Wall said. “Those attending should bring a lawn chair for the discussion portion, then we’ll head out to pasture and view the Petersons' operation, which includes upgrades to their paddock and watering system with the help of NRCS EQIP funds.”

ISU Extension and Outreach ag engineer Shawn Shouse will present information on implementing watering systems, hosts Jim and Justin Peterson will talk about their experiences with transitioning cropland to permanent pasture and Wall will explain stockpiling forage for fall and winter grazing.

“There is no fee to attend, but we strongly encourage preregistration to ensure adequate materials for everyone,” Wall said. “Please contact me by phone at 515-450-7665 or email at to preregister or for more information.”

The event flyer has more information. The series is sponsored by the Beginning and Young Livestock Producers Network initiative of ISU Extension and Outreach and the Natural Resources Conservation Service, and sessions will be led by local ISU extension beef program specialists with assistance from county extension staff.

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