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Land Rejuvenation an option for farmers looking to get the most out of their land

Not all good quality land lasts forever, which means farmers should know the best practices for land rejuvenation.

land rejuvenation is the practice of revitalizing hay and pasture land that isn't getting good results for a producer.

The process can vary widely based on the field it's being done on, including the cost and labour needed to do so

Range Management Extension specialist Kerry Cochrane explains just what land rejuvenation looks to achieve.

"Rejuvenation is really any treatment that is applied to an existing forage stand, in an attempt to increase the productivity of the land for livestock grazing or hay production. Rejuvenation is typically done when the seed forage species start to decline, and the species are replaced by undesirable or less productive forage species, or weedy and woody vegetation to the point where the land is no longer meeting the forage production needs of that producer."

These can include breaking and reseeding, sod seeding or overseeding, fertilization, winter grazing, and general pasture management.

All of those have different costs and reasons to be done, and knowing which one is needed is key to rejuvenating land.

"I think it's important to know first that to determine whether a rejuvenation option is right for you, you should first assess the condition of your pasture or hayland to determine if rejuvenation is required and if it is," said Cochrane, "What options are most applicable to your management goals. Some rejuvenation options are more costly and labour intesive than others."

For any questions, multiple resources are available for farmers looking to make the right choice.

"There are a number of resources online, like the Ministry of Agriculture's website, or you can contact one of the Range Management Extension Specialists like myself," said Cochrane, "To help walk you through the options available that will work for your operation. Another thing to remember is if you're looking at reseeding options, contact your seed supplier sooner than later as there could be supply delays or shortages.

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