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Latest Crop Progress Report Show Oklahoma Wheat is 57% Planted, 37% Emerged

USDA’s weekly Crop Progress report, Monday, shows the nation’s winter wheat crop is 70% planted, 6 points behind this time last year and 1 point behind the five-year average. 44% of the nation’s winter wheat has emerged, 6 points behind this time last year and 3 points behind the five-year average.

Latest Crop Progress

Here in the southern plains- Oklahoma reports 57% of the 2022 wheat crop is planted, Texas is 64% planted and Kansas stands at 75% planted.

The report shows 97% of U.S. corn crop is mature, equal to this time last year and 4 points ahead of the five-year average. Corn harvested is 52%, 5 points behind this time last year and more than 10 points ahead of the five-year average. The corn condition rating is 60% good to excellent, equal to last week and 1 point below this time last year.

Soybeans dropping leaves is at 95%, 1 point behind this time last year and equal to the five-year average. Soybeans harvested is 60%, more than 10 points behind this time last year and 5 points ahead of the five-year average.

Cotton bolls opening is at 86%, more than 7 points behind this time last year and 2 points behind the five-year average. Cotton harvested is 28%, 5 points behind this time last year and 6 points behind the five-year average. Good to excellent cotton crop conditions is 64%, equal to last week and more than 20 points up from this time last year.

Mature grain sorghum is at 93%, 1 point behind this time last year and 9 points ahead of the five-year average. Grain sorghum harvested is 59%, 2 points behind this time last year and 5 points ahead of the five-year average.

Finally, pasture and range conditions are 25% good to excellent, 30% fair and 45% poor to very poor.

Click here, for the complete National Crop Progress report released on Monday, October 18, 2021, by USDA NASS.


According to the Oklahoma Crop Progress and Condition report, Oklahoma’s winter wheat is 57% planted and 37% emerged.

Oklahoma corn crop condition is 78% good to excellent, 18% fair and 4% poor to very poor, same as last week. Corn harvested is 69%.

Oklahoma grain sorghum crop condition is 31% good to excellent, 25% fair and 44% poor to very poor. Mature grain sorghum is at 92%. Grain sorghum harvested is at 48%.

Oklahoma soybean crop condition is 52% good to excellent, 34% fair and 14% poor to very poor. Soybeans dropping leaves is at 71%. Soybeans harvested is 23%.

Oklahoma cotton crop condition is 71% good to excellent, 25% fair and 4% poor to very poor. Cotton bolls opening is at 90%. Cotton harvested is at 14%.

Pasture and range condition is 33% good, 42% fair and 25% poor to very poor.

Click here, for the Oklahoma Crop Progress report.


According to the Kansas Crop Progress and Condition report winter wheat is 75% planted and 47% emerged.

In Kansas, the corn crop is 75% harvested.

Kansas soybean crop condition rated 56% good to excellent, 30% fair and 14% poor to very poor. Soybeans dropping leaves is 90%. Soybeans harvested is 41%.

Kansas grain sorghum crop condition rated 54% good to excellent, 30% fair and 14% poor to very poor. Grain sorghum mature is 88%. Grain sorghum harvested is 44%.

Kansas cotton crop condition rated 51% good to excellent, 45% fair and 4% poor to very poor. Cotton bolls opening is 90%. Cotton harvested is 3%.

Kansas pasture and range conditions rated 35% good to excellent, 3834% fair and 31% poor to very poor.

Click here, for the full Kansas Crop Progress report.


According to the Texas Crop Progress and Condition report, winter wheat is 64% planted and 39% emerged.

Texas corn crop condition is 61% good to excellent, 29% fair and 10% poor to very poor. Corn harvested is at 90%.

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