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Latest Weekly Feedlot Trade Sees Cash Prices Pennies Higher, Formula Prices Two Dollars Lower

Ed Czerwein of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Market News Office in Amarillo, Texas presents a weekly feedlot trade and finished cattle price recap at the beginning of each week for the previous week- here is his report for the week ending April 16, 2016.

The finished cattle trade live prices were mostly steady to 1 higher.

The weekly weighted average cash steer price for the five area which includes TX, NE, CO, KS and IA feeding areas was only 9 cents higher at $133.99 and compared to $133.90 the previous week.

The five area total cash steer and heifer volume was 87,600 head compared to 82,000 the previous week. The three biggest states for five area cash volume were NE at 38,000 head, KS at 20,000 head and IA/MN at 15,000 head.

Five area formula sales totaled 143,000 head compared to 156,000 the prev week and TX was at 65,000 head and KS at 33,000 head.

Latest Weekly Feedlot Trade Sees Cash Prices Pennies Higher, Formula Prices Two Dollars LowerThe five area average formula price was $214.23 compared to $216.06 the previous week and the current dressed steer average price was $213.98 this week. Formulas average about 25 cents higher.

National imported slaughter cattle totaled 9800 head for the week compared to 7200 last week.

Nationally reported contracted cattle volume was 63,000 head compared to 55,000 head the previous week.

This is the time of the year when all weights both live and carcass follow their normal seasonal declines. However the average live wt from the TX Panhandle which includes steers and heifers for the week of Apr 9 was 8 lbs lower at 1316 pounds and that was 46 pounds higher than last year which was 1270 pounds.

The latest average National steer carcass weight for week ending April 2nd was 3 pounds lower at 884 pounds but was still 15 pounds higher than last year which was 869 pounds, with the five year average at 846 pounds.

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