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LEAP Project: Farmer Recruitment for Field Survey

We are looking for farmers with fields in the Black soil zone of Manitoba and Saskatchewan to participate in an on-farm study. Would you be interested in participating?

We want to collect information and samples from fields with different types of management history, ranging from only annual crops, to only perennial crops. We are particularly interested in the "in-between" fields - those that have some diversification or "perennialization" with cover crops, perennials in rotation, or other approaches. 

For the study, you as the farmer will manage your fields normally and researchers will collect samples in 2025, 2026, and/or 2027. Fields should have at least 10 years of relatively consistent land use or type of rotation and be accessible by all-weather road. Researchers will also interview you about crop management practices such as rotations, fertilizer application, weed and pest management, tillage, and so on.

If you are interested in participating or are not sure but would like more information, please answer "Yes" or "Not sure" to the first question. Then, we have a few questions about the types of crops you grow and any livestock grazing you have on your farm. Expressing interest does not guarantee or require participation in the study. We will contact interested participants to follow up on potential participation and discuss any questions you may have.

If you are not interested in participating at this time but are curious about the project, you can answer "no" to the first question and then have a chance to sign up for email updates!

Thank you for your interest in this study!

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