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Learning the Backstory of QDM

It was a bit of a homecoming last week for a Saskatchewan farmer that's blown up on social media.

During the Thanks For Farming Tour that stopped in Swift Current for a pair of days, the tradeshow featured keynote speaker Quick Dick McDick (Dickson Delorme) who was born in southwestern Saskatchewan.

"I always love coming back into southwestern Saskatchewan," he said. "The people here are fantastic, it's a really strong ranching/farming community. A lot of these places down here it's just like you never left, when you connect with people back here again, even if you haven't phoned them in two years. I love the ranching country and community down here."

He was born in Maple Creek but his family didn't spend long there before moving to Consul for a short stint as well. It was then onto Radville for a bit and then finally onto Tuffnell where he farms currently and where he became a Youtube sensation.

"It all actually started by accident a little bit, I didn't really mean for it to happen, it just started off with a couple of goofy Snapchat videos, that were just about funny things that happen in Saskatchewan," he said. "There was a couple of political ones that I put up, it just kind of almost exploded overnight unintentionally. Then you wake up one day and you're like 'can you come on a tour and do this, and you're like, how did this all happen."

Since joining Youtube nearly two years ago, he's jumped to nearly 70,000 subscribers with over 6.8 million total views of his content. In that time, there's one social media interaction that's stood out to him.

"There's a young lady in Nigeria that reached out to me," he said. "She just reached out to me and said 'hey I saw your videos and I do agriculture here'. She runs a catfish farm over there. I never looked back in time and think at one point in time, you're going to be collaborating with a catfish farmer out of Nigeria. It's really cool, she brought some of her followers to me and I took some of mine to hers."

Sasaktchewan's Mady Adamson is another female agricultural presence that's caught the attention of Delorme.

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