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Legend Seed Plot Tour Highlights Corn, Soybeans

Over a hundred people came out to the Legend Seeds plot tour last week Friday. The tour, held west of Winkler on highway 14, showcased work in corn and soybean production, including plant traits, developments, and diseases.
Producers, agronomists, and other representatives saw new varieties of soybeans and corn, including varieties for dry-down, silage, and grain corn.
"One of the things Legend Seeds does, is we try and look at new varieties that are specific to the geographies that people are growing in," say Jeff Bereza, business development manager for Legend Seeds Canada. "So we have a number of new varieties coming forth this year that have high genetic potential for each of the growing areas."
Bereza says plot tour participants were very engaged in looking at the new varieties, but also in discussions on what's robbing yield.
Source : SteinbachOnline

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