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Leman Conference Abstracts Due July 10

Conference organizers are currently accepting scientific abstracts for poster presentations at the 2015 Allen D. Leman Swine Conference.

Abstracts will be accepted until Friday, July 10. No extensions will be allowed.

Please carefully review the abstract guidelines and instructions. Abstracts that do not follow the guidelines will be returned to the author, and will not be accepted. Also note that we are limiting the number of accepted abstracts to a maximum of sixty (60) to ensure scientific rigor.

Special Student Competition: all student abstracts will be reviewed by an academic committee comprised of three recent Science in Practice award winners. Abstracts will be evaluated based on scientific merit and originality. The top four (4) abstracts will be recognized at the conference.

If accepted for a poster presentation, you will be notified via email by Friday, August 12. The work will be presented during the Opening Reception on Sunday, September 20th at the Crowne Plaza St. Paul Riverfront Hotel.

Source: AASV

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US Soy: Strategic use of soybean meal to maximize pig carcass weight during the summer dip

Video: US Soy: Strategic use of soybean meal to maximize pig carcass weight during the summer dip

David Rosero, PhD, assistant professor of animal science at Iowa State University, and R. Dean Boyd, PhD, consultant with Animal Nutrition Research, recently spoke at the Iowa Swine Day Pre-Conference Symposium, titled Soybean 360º: Expanding our horizons through discoveries and field-proven feeding strategies for improving pork production. The event was sponsored by Iowa State University and U.S. Soy.

Every pig producer, nutritionist and veterinarian is familiar with the summer dip. Pig weight loss hits right as market prices are typically rising in July and August, creating a double-hit financially. New nutrition studies conducted on-farm have led leading nutritionists to a solution that includes higher soybean meal inclusion rates in the summer diet.