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Leman: SDRS data shows off-season uptick in late-summer PEDV cases

Dr. Giovani Trevisan and Dr. Daniel Linhares, both with the Swine Disease Reporting System (SDRS) in the United States, spoke with The Pig Site’s Sarah Mikesell at the pre-conference of the Leman Swine Conference in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, about the status of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) in US swine herds.

“This morning was a discussion on the PED situation in the US and should we control or should we eliminate?” said Dr. Linhares. “In our talk, Dr. Giovani Trevisan and I were here to share from the Swine Disease Reporting System perspective, what's going on in herds.”

SDRS is a consortium sharing diagnostic data from six different labs in the US. The data is gathered, compiled and shared with industry. It is sponsored by the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC). The project is also receiving funding from USDA for specific research projects.

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Dr. David Rosero: Fat Quality in Swine Diets

Video: Dr. David Rosero: Fat Quality in Swine Diets

In this episode of The Swine Nutrition Blackbelt Podcast, Dr. David Rosero from Iowa State University explores the critical aspects of fat quality and oxidation in swine diets. He discusses how different types of lipids affect pig performance and provides actionable insights on managing lipid oxidation in feed mills. Don’t miss this episode—available on all major platforms.

Highlight quote: "Increasing levels of oxidized fats in swine diets reduced the efficiency of feed utilization, increased mortality, and led to more pigs being classified as culls, reducing the number of full-value pigs entering the finishing barns."

Meet the guest: Dr. David Rosero / davidrosero is an assistant professor of animal science at Iowa State University. His research program focuses on conducting applied research on swine nutrition and the practical application of smart farming. He previously served as the technical officer for The Hanor Company, overseeing nutrition, research, and innovation efforts.