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Les Nichols Will Lead OSCIA as 2019 President

Guelph, ON – The 2019 slate of Provincial Directors for the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA) was introduced in early February at their annual conference in Kingston. Taking the reins as president for the one-year term is Les Nichols from Bruce County.
OSCIA, founded in 1939, is a unique not-for-profit grassroots farm organization. The organization is comprised of more than 50 local associations around the province and a membership of over 4,000 producers that reflects all major sectors. OSCIA is farmers actively seeking, testing and adopting optimal farm production and stewardship practices. Their number one applied research priority is soil health.
As a leader in agricultural stewardship program delivery for more than 30 years, OSCIA works with producers to support environmental stewardship activities in agriculture through education-based programs and cost-share funding opportunities.
Nichols steps into the role at a very active time. “Although our crop production technology and systems continue to evolve at a rapid pace, the OSCIA mission to facilitate responsible economic management of soil, water, air and crops through development and communication of innovative farming practices, has never been more relevant,” says Nichols.
Les and his wife Mary live in Formosa. They cash-crop about 150 acres in a corn-soybean-wheat rotation. Les operates Crop Watch Consulting, working as an independent Certified Crop Advisor providing advice on production, nutrient management and planning services. He is also a licensed seed crop inspector. Prior to crop consulting Les gained 30 years of experience in agriculture retail and custom application.
Source : OSCIA

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