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Lessons Learn From PED Cause for Optimism in the Future

By Bruce Cochrane

The executive director of the National Swine health Information Centre says U.S. successes in dealing with PED are cause for cautious optimism in the ability of producers to address disease issues.

The U.S. based Swine Health Information Center was created to develop an international swine health intelligence network to track swine diseases globally, establish research programs to prepare for disease threats and facilitate communications among producers on the health status of swine.

Swine Health Information Center executive director Dr. Paul Sundberg says a lot of lessons were learned from the experience with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea.

Dr. Paul Sundberg-National Swine health Information Centre:
One of the things that producers and their veterinarians realized through that experience as well as with that continued battle with PRRS is that sharing information in a manner than can help everybody is valuable and can help improve the health of the national herd and improve the health of the herds on the farm.

I think that experience of sharing information and also the realization of that we continue to be at risk and we need to be better prepared for the next one to come so we don't have to start from zero like we did with PED.

One of the things that we learned from PED is that, while we thought that our biosecurity practices were really pretty good and effective, we've also learned from PED that these viruses have ways of getting around that biosecurity so, while that cautious optimism about being able to address diseases in the future can be there and should be there, there still are plenty of places where the pork producers, their veterinarians look for help in plugging the holes that continue to put them at risk whether that be biosecurity on the farm or international information.

Dr. Sundberg says the goal is give producers and their veterinarians the ability to react more quickly and adapt more quickly to handle the diseases that may be in our future.

Source: Farmscape

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Video: Season 5, Episode 10: The Value and Importance of Market Haul Sanitation

This month on the PigX Podcast, we explore the research and insights from two producers on the advantages of maintaining clean market hauling equipment, including the financial considerations. Beyond the overall benefits to swine health, we discuss best practices implemented by these companies and the country of Denmark, strategies for introducing the proposition and methods for measuring the return on investment, in addition to much more. Joining us in today’s episode are Dr. Edison Magalhaes, assistant professor at Iowa State University, Dr. Pete Thomas, director of health services at Iowa Select Farms and Dr. Tyler Bauman, herd veterinarian with The Maschhoffs.